How to Sequence Ibm Spss 26 (and 25):

Normally Ibm Spss have been  considered an easy application to sequence in the past.

But after we Sequenced version 26 on 1809 I had a rundown with the following error message when I lunched the application on the client:
App-V Subsystem 'Virtual Filesystem' could not be initialized. {error: 0x74300E0A-0x20006}


Googling this got me down a rabbit hole of a lot of old App-V treads, but nothing could help me.

The solution was actually pretty easy, throw away the 1809 sequencer and use the old 1709 sequencer.

How to Sequence:

The following cmd file will install your program. Just change LSHOST to your license server, and do the same to COMPANYNAME.

Regsvr could be removed, it was a thing from the past, but it won’t do anything.

echo Installing (1/3): Ibm Spss 26.x64

msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0IBM SPSS Statistics 26.msi" LICENSETYPE="Network" LSHOST="" INSTALLPYTHON="1" COMPANYNAME="Your Company" DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1 /qr /norestart /L*v c:\temp\spss26.log

echo Return Code: %ERRORLEVEL%

echo Installing (2/3): Regsvr of spsswin.dll:

regsvr32.exe /s "%CommmonProgramFiles%\IBM\SPSS\COM\spsswin.dll"

echo Return Code: %ERRORLEVEL%

echo Installing (3/3): Delete run once keys from 64 bit HKLM hive

reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /f /reg:64

echo Return Code: %ERRORLEVEL%




Documentation for App-V-Sequenced application: Ibm Spss

Documention created: 06.09.2019 11:04






Sequenced on Windows Version:10.0.17763.0 system with App-V Sequencer version: 10.0.16299.15

Sequenced created:06.09.2019 08:46:29



Appvnavn:Ibm Spss







Prerequirements before Sequencing:


Sequenced on 1709 Sequencer machine. 1809 sequencer makes package crash on launch on our 1809 image with this error:

App-V Subsystem 'Virtual Filesystem' could not be initialized. {error: 0x74300E0A-0x20006}.

Install all package Vcreds into sequencer machine, could be found in vcred folder under application when installed. Also install them on your production computers.


Sequence Install with the following parameters:


Load your appv template file

Remove vcreds capture from package

Run install.bat


Package information:


-- Machinescripts --

-- Userscripts --


-- Cleanup Package: (We just use tmedit cleanup to do this, see pictures for the things you could remove.


Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Delete files:

Delete installer cache from c:\windows\installer\ Save a lot of space by deleting msi from package

Delete the following registry settings:

Remove internet settings\zonemap from package

Package settings:

VFS write: on




Added Scriptfiles:

Deleted registry values:


Deleted files:





Install commandline (COMPLETE,ADD&PUBLISH&MOUNT):

                powershell.exe "Add-AppvClientPackage -Path 'Ibm Spss.appv' | Publish-AppvClientPackage –Global | Mount-AppvClientPackage"


AddPackage commandline (ADD&MOUNT):

                powershell.exe "Add-AppvClientPackage -Path 'Ibm Spss.appv' | Mount-AppvClientPackage"


PublishPackage commandline (PUBLISH&MOUNT):

                powershell.exe "Publish-AppvClientPackage -Name 'Ibm Spss' –Global | Mount-AppvClientPackage"


Uninstall commandline (COMPLETE,UNPUBLISH&REMOVE):

                powershell.exe "Unpublish-AppvClientPackage -Name 'Ibm Spss' -Global | Remove-AppVClientPackage"


UnpublishPackage commandline (UNPUBLISH):

                powershell.exe "Unpublish-AppvClientPackage -Name 'Ibm Spss' -Global"


UnpublishPackage commandline (UNPUBLISH):

                powershell.exe "Unpublish-AppvClientPackage -packageid 5ea38113-1b4b-4ff9-b6d6-77a997a300a8 -versionid 852d4686-932d-4a83-9cc0-1a36f4dea2f3 -global |Remove-AppvClientPackage"

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