Xmind XMind 8 Update 7 (v3.7.7) APPV 5.x

Documentation for App-V-Sequenced application: XMind 8 Update 7 (v3.7.7)

Documentation created: 10.07.2018 13:05






Sequenced on Windows Version:10.0.16299.0 system with App-V Sequencer version: 10.0.16299.15

Sequenced created:10.07.2018 08:35:30








XMind is a mind mapping and brainstorming software. The simple version is free.  It supports fishbone diagrams, tree diagrams, organization charts, spreadsheets for Mind Maps.

It’s not a completely straight forward Sequencing for this application so I will add the recipe for help.


Prerequirements before Sequencing:


A clean sequencer Image


Sequence Install with the following parameters:


Create xmind.inf



Dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\XMind




This inf file will make the installation completely silent, no desktop shortcut and quick launch icon. All supported filetypes is associated with the program will be added.

Create install.xmind.cmd

start /wait xmind-8-update7-windows.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPRESSMSGBOXES /LOADINF=xmind.inf

:: copy Xmind configdata too %userprofile%\Application Data\

rmdir "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\" /s /q

mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\XMind\"

xcopy /e /v "Application Data" "%userprofile%\Application Data\" /Y

del "%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\XMind\Support\Uninstall XMind.lnk" /s /q

del "%programfiles(x86)%\XMind\thirdparty\Bonjour*.msi" /s /q














The script is deleting the uninstall icon and removing files from the “application data” folder & Apple Bonjour filesharing msi files (we don’t want them at our company)


Program configuration:

Start Xmind, go to preferences:

·         Go to General

·         Turn off Check for updates and news on startup

·         Turn off Send Usage data

·         Tun on Automatically save all open workbooks every 5 minute

·         Go to Network Connections if you want to add manual proxy.

Go to Share and check that Apple’s Bonjour is not there

·         Go to Xmind Pro

·         Turn on Hide Pluss/Pro features


Config files:

Your new config files can be found under:

·         C:\Users\Administrator\Application Data\XMind\workspace-cathy\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings

·         C:\Users\Administrator\Application Data\XMind\configuration-cathy_win32-R3.7.7.201801311814\.settings\org.eclipse.core.net.prefs (manual proxy settings)

·         C:\Users\Administrator\Application Data\XMind\configuration-cathy_win32-R3.7.7.201801311814\org.eclipse.osgi\880\0\.cp\*.*

·         C:\Users\Administrator\Application Data\XMind\workspace-cathy\.metadata\.plugins\org.xmind.cathy\start.properties (send no usage info)


Application data is not the same as the %appdata% in windows.
Here the developers have done something really wrong.


- Set merge with local on C:\Users\admin\Application Data\XMind\ and all subfolders or else program will fail to startup and configure it self

Then add the userscript from the section under.

This will only create a couple of folders under "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\XMind\configuration-cathy_win32-R3.7.7.201801311814\” if it does not exist.


Package information:


- Package Scripts:


On process start:

    In User context: YES

 - Script:%windir%\system32\cmd.exe

 - Parameters: /c xmindcopy.cmd

 - Wait for App-V Client to Complete: YES

 - Do not use encoded executable paths: YES

 - Do not rollback if script fails

 - Do not run inside the virtual environment

 - Script timeout: 300 secounds


Added Scriptfiles too package script folder:

@echo off


IF NOT EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\XMind\configuration-cathy_win32-R3.7.7.201801311814\" md "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\XMind\configuration-cathy_win32-R3.7.7.201801311814\"


popd exit

This is our xmindcopy.cmd script content.



Install cmd commandline (COMPLETE,ADD&PUBLISH&MOUNT):

                powershell.exe "Add-AppvClientPackage -Path 'Xmind.appv' | Publish-AppvClientPackage –Global | Mount-AppvClientPackage"


AddPackage commandline (ADD&MOUNT):

                powershell.exe "Add-AppvClientPackage -Path 'Xmind.appv' | Mount-AppvClientPackage"


PublishPackage commandline (PUBLISH&MOUNT):

                powershell.exe "Publish-AppvClientPackage -Name 'Xmind' –Global | Mount-AppvClientPackage"


Uninstall commandline (COMPLETE,UNPUBLISH&REMOVE):

                powershell.exe "Unpublish-AppvClientPackage -Name 'Xmind' -Global | Remove-AppVClientPackage"


UnpublishPackage commandline (UNPUBLISH):

                powershell.exe "Unpublish-AppvClientPackage -Name 'Xmind' -Global"

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