After Sequencing of both version 28 and 29 of IBM Spss we found that we would get the following error when launching the program the second time:
To fix this problem just create a small powershellscript that check if that folder is present, and if so delete the content. It will be recreated during the next launch.
Run the script on UserStartProcess and UserExitProcess to make sure it will keep working in all scenarios.
-------------------------- Powershellscript ----------------------
$Package = Get-AppvClientPackage -Name "IBM
SPSS" -All $PackageID = $Package.PackageId.Guid $GetAppdataLocal = Get-Item env:localappdata $LocalAppdata = $GetAppdataLocal.Value $Path="$LocalAppdata\Microsoft\AppV\Client\VFS\$PackageID\ProgramFilesX64\IBM\SPSS
Statistics" if(Test-Path "$Path\*"){
Statistics" -Recurse } |